ICETSGAI4.0 Tracks

Track 01:Data Analytic for Smart Grid operation & Control

Smart grid control through Data Analytics

Data Analytics and Computational Methods in Power Systems

Machine Learning application in Power systems

Cyber Security- Threat, Challenges & Opportunity for T&D, Smartgrid

Networking and data mining in smart grids/microgrid

IoT based monitoring and Control of Microgrid

Track 02 - Integrated Power Generation Technologies /Advanced Technology Developments

Smart utilization of Non- Conventional Energy sources

Control and Automation of Non-Linear System

Life cycle assessment, pricing, policies, and energy planning

Computational intelligence and optimization for smart energy systems

Smart grid security and privacy issues

Software tools for smart energy networks

Big Data and Internet of Things for smart energy environment

AI Control and their application in Industrial Automation

Track 03: GREEN TECHNOLOGIES: Driving the world to the era of Renewable sources of energy

Energy efficiency, conservation, and savings

Renewable energy, wind, solar, fuel cells and distributed generation within microgrids

Energy Conversion Systems

Self-aware and Self-configuring and self-healing power/energy systems

Energy storage technologies and systems

Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle (PHEV) systems, CNG vehicles, clean transportation

Track 04: Recent Trends in Smartgrid Technology Application

Power electronic Converters and Drives, HVDC and FACTS

Power Generation, Transmission & Distribution

Resilient / Adaptive Grid Infrastructures Design, Planning, Operation and Management

Grid Modeling, Simulation, and Data Management

Grid Protection, Reliability, Energy / Power Quality and Maintenance

Recent Trends of Soft Computing Techniques

Track 05: Recent trends in Microgrid operation & Planning

Microgrids and Virtual Power Plant

Microgrid Planning, Operation & Control

Demand Response, Smart Buildings & Home Automation

Smart Metering, Measurement, Instrumentation, and Control

Smart Energy Management System in Distribution Side